Tag: <span>stress</span>

Woman Learning How To Manage Daily Stress

Daily Stress Management 

Many of us have busy lives, and it can seem overwhelming at times when there’s too much on your plate. Whether you’re dealing with complications in the workplace or even at home, too much daily stress is a serious health risk that many people take for granted. Whether you’re feeling fatigued, anxious, irritable, overwhelmed or afraid, your body is trying to tell you that something just isn’t right. Learning how to manage daily stress can improve your health and overall happiness. 

What Causes Stress?

There are a multitude of reasons you might feel stress, such as working long hours or a major life event. Other things, such as financial concerns, relationships, and illnesses in your friends or family can all add to your level of stress. One of the biggest causes of stress on a day to day basis, however, is change. Even positive changes, such as an advancement in your career or a new marriage, can put extra stress on the body.

What Are The Symptoms Of Stress?

While many of the changes in your body that stress might cause aren’t easily recognizable, there are several symptoms you may notice when you’re feeling stressed, such as depression, an upset stomach, a loss of appetite, headaches, migraines, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, back pain, a stiff neck, or trouble breathing. You know your body better than anyone, and any of these could be a warning sign that you’re experience stress.

What Are The Risks And Complications Stress May Cause?

While uncontrolled stress can affect aspects of your mind, such as your memory and your ability to concentrate, it can also threaten your physical health. Complications of unmanaged stress include an increased risk of diabetes, heart attacks, a rise in blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.

Stress Reduction Techniques?

While talking to a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) such as Renee Lederman can help you gain back a sense of control over your life, there are also several ways you can help manage your daily stress:

Change Up Your Diet 

Stress can change what and when you eat. Eating a well-rounded diet at regular intervals throughout the day gives your body the energy it needs. Staying hydrated and drinking enough water is another important step towards keeping your body happy and healthy.

Get Enough Sleep 

While it might seem difficult to nod off when you’re worried about the day you had or what’s in store tomorrow, it’s important to give your body the time it needs to repair itself.


Workouts aren’t only for improving yourself physically; they can also help emotionally by discharging any excess tension, boosting your own self-image, and releasing endorphins (feel-good chemicals) to your brain and nervous system.


Conquering the smaller challenges in your life—such as cleaning your workspace or breaking down a large project into more manageable tasks—can help you feel like you’re in control again.


There are many different styles of meditation that appeal to a wide variety of people. Some examples you might try include taking deep, calm slow breaths to improve oxygen flow to the brain, stretching your body through the use of yoga poses, or repeating specific motions, such as tightening and relaxing your muscles, to help relieve stress. 

Be Prepared 

Plan ahead for situations you know might make you uncomfortable. Laying out your wardrobe the night before a meeting or job interview saves time and worry the next morning.

Enjoy Life

Allow yourself to be social and have fun by getting involved in activities you enjoy, such as sports leagues, social outings, or events in your town or city.

Ready to get started on the road to less stress?

Have you tried the tips above and still feel like you need some additional help? If you’re ready to begin your journey towards managing your daily stress with a licensed professional counselor (LPC), contact Renee Lederman today at 832-969-3885 to schedule your first appointment.


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Happy Woman Knowing The Importance Of Self Care

How To Reduce Anxiety Through Self Care

Between jobs, family, and day to day chores, life often gets in the way of self care. Even though taking care of yourself is paramount, it is very easy to let your own needs fall short while taking care of the myriad of things life throws at you. Failing to care for your own well-being, however, may lead to heightened levels of stress and anxiety, and can also have a severe impact on your body’s ability to fight off illness and infection. Here are some self care tips to reduce anxiety that you should practice regularly to live a more healthy lifestyle.

6 Types Of Self Care For A Low Stress, Healthy Lifestyle

Emotional Self Care

Allow yourself to experience your feelings so that you may work through them in a healthy manner. You can practice emotional self care by explaining your inner fears to a loved one or by simply being unafraid to allow yourself to show emotion. The stress and anxiety brought on by bottling up feelings inside rather than releasing them in a controlled manner is not only unhealthy for your mental health, but can also lead to physical conditions such as ulcers and heart problems.

Spiritual Self Care

Spiritual self care is about accepting the fact that something in this world is larger than yourself. Although many people might automatically assume spiritual self-care revolves around religion, this is not always the case. The earth is gigantic. The universe is even bigger. Understanding your place in your surroundings will help you center yourself to discover where you belong in respect to everything that surrounds you.

Practical Self Care

Taking care of practical matters means resolving small situations to avoid future stressors. Things such as balancing your checkbook, cleaning out your refrigerator, or tucking money away in savings for a rainy day all count as practical self care. Changing the oil in your car, for example, is a small task that helps you easily avoid future problems that will turn into stressful situations down the road.

Mental Self Care

Engage in activities that stimulate your mind. Solving a puzzle, going to the theater, and reading a book are all forms of mental self care. Learning something new every day is the key to living a positive and productive life. What’s more, frequently stimulating your mind has been shown to offset and even prevent diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Physical Self Care

Physical self care doesn’t have to mean working out. It can involve simple things such as eating healthy or staying hydrated on a hot summer day; making small life changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator; and taking more regular showers and remembering to wash your face before bed. Taking care of yourself physically doesn’t mean you have to treat your body like a temple, but you should strive to feel a sense of pride in your physical well being.

Social Self Care

This may, in fact, be the type of self care that gets ignored the most. It’s altogether too tempting to cancel plans because you feel tired or you don’t think you’ll have fun. Social anxiety and isolation can lead to feeling depressed and alone. But interaction with those important in our lives is a large part of what keeps us healthy both physically and mentally. Lunch with a coworker can do wonders to lift your morale at work. A night out with friends tends to bring a smile that can last for days, if not weeks. Socialization is key to keeping yourself happy with yourself and your surroundings, as well as for enjoying all that life has to offer.

Ready To Take The Next Step Towards A Low Stress Lifestyle?

If you are struggling and would like to learn ways to reduce stress and anxiety, Renee Lederman can help you learn to practice self care. As a licensed professional counselor and life coach based in Houston, Texas, Renee Lederman has helped many people remember how to put themselves first. Contact Renee Lederman, or call (832) 969-3885 to set up an appointment.

For more advice on self care and reducing anxiety, read about the real physical and emotional benefits to regularly showing and feeling gratitude.


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Renee Lederman Therapy Reduce Stress

A Brief Introduction To Somatic Experiencing®

AND WHY IT MIGHT HELP YOU. Somatic Experiencing is a technique designed to help dissipate and process stress.

Somatic experiencing

Somatic Experiencing®—sounds complicated, and you might be wondering how it works, but the truth is, Somatic Experiencing isn’t complicated at all.  In fact, Somatic Experiencing is a system of therapy designed to help you heal from trauma and process multiple kinds or sources of stress, from an isolated stressful event to PTSD to abuse to chronic daily stress through movements. Read more